Mango Bango also called Mango Sago is a Filipino dessert inspired by Buko Salad and/or Fruit Salad. it is where you mix together Mangoes, Nata de Coco, and Kaong with Cream and Milk. This is a Filipino dessert, creamy, sweet, and refreshing.

1. In a pot, boil water over medium heat. Once boiling, add tapioca pearl. Simmer for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally so the tapioca pearl won't stick to the pot. Turn off the heat, then cover and rest it for another 10 minutes.

2. After done resting the tapioca pearl, strain and transfer it to a mixing bowl. Add sweetened condense milk, and milk then mix it well. 3. Dice the mango, and strain the nata de coco then combine it with tapioca pearl mixture. Stir to combine and refrigerate it before serving. Enjoy!

(Optional) Try to Refrigerate the mango-bango mixture for a little while to chill it thoroughly. This will make it more refreshing when served. Let’s serve on a glass, first, add the mango smoothies, then add the chilled mango Bango mixture, and lastly put the diced mango on top. How beautiful this drink is!