Steamed Spiced Chicken Wrapped in Banana Leaf is a dish made from chicken and traditional spices then steamed in banana leaves. The steaming process with banana leaves not only provides a distinctive taste but also maintains the tenderness of the chicken meat and the natural aroma of banana leaves. This dish is a perfect example of Indonesia’s culinary richness based on tradition, nature, and local ingredients.
1. Put all of the seasonings ingredients into a cup then puree with a hand blender or wet mill. 2. In a big mixing bowl, combine the seasoning puree with chicken then mix well and marinate for at least 30 minutes.
3. Boil water in a steamer. Slice tomato into 12 pieces and set aside. Make six pieces 4×6 inch and six pieces 3×5 inch banana leaves, then heat it on open fire to make it flexible and easier to fold. 4. Prepare two banana leaves, then line with bay leaf, place two pieces of chicken, add tomato slices, thai lemon basil, and cayenne pepper. Wrap the banana leaves, and skewer the top. 5. Steam chicken for 1 hour and remove from the heat. Serve steamed chicken with warm rice, enjoy!